07 March 2010


I decided to restart this journal as an enema for my brain on the path to fatherhood. There are a lot of interesting things that are happening or will happen, and I will attempt to share my thoughts here. But first...

...you kids have it so easy today with your "Blogger" and your "Facebook." I bet none of you know one bit of HTML code. Back in my day (mid- to late-90s), I had my own website, put together without the help of websites that do all the work for you.

I registered the domain name with a company (not GoDaddy), found a host server, and had to FTP all the code and files to that host. Then check for code errors, fix, and re-post. All of my photos were digitized via a huge flatbed scanner, as digital cameras were still priced like cars.

Hell, I even had a company squat and steal my domain from me when my attention went elsewhere. Worst $70 that company ever spent!

To summarize, I was oversharing useless insights and photos of myself long before it was cool. Now everyone with access to a computer (or phone) can have their own little mini homepage. One day, quality will once again win over quantity. That just won't be today.

To summarize further - get off my lawn.


TJ said...

What the hell kind of post is this?

Amanda said...

Oh goody!