Okay, make sure you're reading this in Google's Chrome browser.
You don't have it? Go get it.
Now, check out a pretty damn cool Chrome Experiment: The work done around "The Wildnerness Downtown", based upon Arcade Fire's song, "We Used to Wait".
The Wildnerness Downtown
I loved music videos growing up. I was addicted to MuchMusic (boxes of videotapes in the basement confirm this) and I would sometimes hear a song and sketch out how I thought the video should go - for a brief time, I considered "Music Video Director" as a potential career (thankfully not too long).
I thought that pretty much everything has been done in the music + visual medium, but then I read about this project and downloaded Chrome solely for this experience.

The combination of integrating memories with modern technology blew my mind, and gave me pause as I looked at my old neighbourhood from old and new angles. The ability to interact with a music video is not something I had ever considered. Not only does it work, it gives each person a unique experience, evoking different memories and emotions.
The Wilderness Downtown makes me excited to see what creative minds will bring in the future, particularly when it comes to music.
Tried this and wasn't that impressed. There was only an overhead and street shot. Was yours somehow more impressive?
At first I didn't even recognize it as my neighborhood.
I loved this too (and the fact that song is KILLER good helped!) My dad was totally blown away. I think my Grandpa, who doesn't really 'get' computers or the internet couldn't even wrap his mind around how they 'did that'.
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